Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year - New You!

This is your year to shine! and I'm here to help make it happen. Does your life go something like this... It's the new year and the standard resolution has been set, day one goes pretty well and then it's all down hill from there. Now its 2 weeks into the new year and the resolution is out the window?
I know how you feel, I've been there so many years I can't even count.
I have felt the pain, frustration and shame of not "making it" yet again
I have found that there is a solution! I have lost 60 pounds in 17 weeks, dropped my BMI (Body Mass Index) from 40 to 29, and feel great!
So, what is this magic solution? No magic really, just healthy portion controlled meal replacements every 2-3 hours and a lean protein and green meal every day.
Can you eat every 2-3 hours?
Do you want to make your resolution come true this year?
Let me help you, shine in '09
Steve, Me minus 60 pounds, and Portland Trailblazer Jerome Kersey

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