Sunday, November 9, 2008

Unleash the power of your potential
I heard a great illustration this weekend, and it got me thinking... When elephants are being trained they are chained to heavy posts that are impossible for them to break free from, once they believe that they cannot be freed if they are tied it is easy for them to be tethered to posts they could easily break free from.
So here's my thought. What things are we tethered to? What things from our past have us believing that we cant break free?
It would be beneficial for us to take an inventory of our personal stakes and evaluate if they are true. Take the risk and pull away from those things that have had a hold of you for so many years.
Realize that no one else is going to take care of your needs; we must be our best advocates. The marketing moguls would love to keep you tethered to fast food, fatigue, hopelessness - as long as you keep buying their product.
Let this be the time that you break free from those things that ultimately have no power over you, and enjoy the life you have waiting for you.