Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Too Fat to Adopt?
Appears the same thing is happening in England, where the Leeds City Council informed Damien and Charlotte Hall: Sorry. No can do. You're morbidly obese. You cannot adopt.
Damien, at 24 1/2 stone (343 pounds), is 6'1". His Body Mass Index (BMI) is 42+, and the council told him he must reduce it to below 40 "because of a risk he could become ill or even die."
According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, people are considered obese when their BMI is greater than or equal to 30 and overweight if their BMI is from 25 to 29.9. A person is considered morbidly obese when the BMI is over 40. The BMI is a measure of your weight relative to your height and waist circumference and measures abdominal fat.
We all know that obesity puts one at higher risk for a host of health issues, including cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance syndrome, stroke, fatty liver disease, gallblader disease, musculoskeletal disorders, breathing problems--even some types of cancer.
With so many folks falling into the "overweight" and "morbidly obese" range these days, it's a wonder anyone is allowed to adopt. Sixty percent of Americans are overweight, and 40 percent of those are obese, says David Murdock, owner of Dole Food Company (from Costco Connection magazine).
I feel for Damien and Charlotte. Because of fertility challenges, they are unable to birth a child. Because of weight challenges, they are unable at this time to adopt one. I understand that adoption agencies want parents who are healthy (physically and emotionally) and who have a good chance of living to see their child grow to adulthood.
But Charlotte and Damien have been married 11 years and been a couple for 14 (a good sign that they're stable and relatively content). They don't drink or smoke. They have good jobs. Damien says, "I'm not a couch potato and I don't sit eating takeaways every night. I just feel as though we were only judged on my weight and not all the other good things about us."
When there are so many children out there waiting to be adopted, I hate seeing prospective parents' worth being based on weight alone.
I'm torn on this one, readers. What do you think? How much "weight" should be given to one's weight when determining their readiness to adopt?
Would you be allowed to adopt, based on your weight? Calculate your BMI and see if you'd qualify:
Whether you are looking to adopt, or be here for the kiddos you have a healthy BMI is key and I can help you reach your goal.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Year - New You!

This is your year to shine! and I'm here to help make it happen. Does your life go something like this... It's the new year and the standard resolution has been set, day one goes pretty well and then it's all down hill from there. Now its 2 weeks into the new year and the resolution is out the window?
I know how you feel, I've been there so many years I can't even count.
I have felt the pain, frustration and shame of not "making it" yet again
I have found that there is a solution! I have lost 60 pounds in 17 weeks, dropped my BMI (Body Mass Index) from 40 to 29, and feel great!
So, what is this magic solution? No magic really, just healthy portion controlled meal replacements every 2-3 hours and a lean protein and green meal every day.
Can you eat every 2-3 hours?
Do you want to make your resolution come true this year?
Let me help you, shine in '09
Steve, Me minus 60 pounds, and Portland Trailblazer Jerome Kersey
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Unleash the power of your potential

I heard a great illustration this weekend, and it got me thinking... When elephants are being trained they are chained to heavy posts that are impossible for them to break free from, once they believe that they cannot be freed if they are tied it is easy for them to be tethered to posts they could easily break free from.
So here's my thought. What things are we tethered to? What things from our past have us believing that we cant break free?
It would be beneficial for us to take an inventory of our personal stakes and evaluate if they are true. Take the risk and pull away from those things that have had a hold of you for so many years.
Realize that no one else is going to take care of your needs; we must be our best advocates. The marketing moguls would love to keep you tethered to fast food, fatigue, hopelessness - as long as you keep buying their product.
Let this be the time that you break free from those things that ultimately have no power over you, and enjoy the life you have waiting for you.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The BIG 5 0! As in 50 Pounds GONE FOREVER!!

I said I'd get a new pic posted so here you go! I am so excited about the sucess that I am having. I'm a little discouraged that I have not had anyone join me, but I know that when people are ready they will. It's a big step, and sadly we've all had so many failures in the past that it can be difficult to "try" again. I can guarantee you if you do the program you will have sucess, and I will see you all the way to your goal.
So, if you or someone you care about is needing the gift of health - I'm here.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Holidays?

Get Healthy for the Holidays! Why wait until the New Year?
For the month of October and November, Take Shape for Life clients will be rewarded for their success at working towards optimal health!
1) Sign up today and receive $25 off your first order!
2) Then receive a $30 credit toward your next order, when any new client you refer orders a month's worth of food.
That's an additional 10% discount on top of any BeSlim discounts, free food and free shipping that you may already qualify for!
Did you know that the average American spends $16 on food per day? And that food isn't always necessarily filled with vitamins and minerals that contribute to healthy living!
Thank you for helping me get the word out that this health program works. Not only are people able to lose weight, & get off medications but improve their lives for the better!
Give me a call, drop me an email, or respond to the post and I'll follow up. You could be 40 or more pounds lighter this holiday season and on your way to a healthy new year.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Maybe - New Michael Jordan Commercial
This is a great video, and says it so well. Maybe we are just making excuses for not having the success in life we say we want. Well here are some folks that have stopped making excuses and are living a great life.
About 200 people gathered today and we had the following successes:
2 CPAP machines - GONE!
92 Medications - GONE!
9,590 pounds - GONE!
Isn't that fantastic! With recent studies from Baylor University showing that by the year 2022 90% of Americans will be overweight or obese, isnt it great to know there is an answer to that situation.
Four years ago the Health Crisis was a 30 billion dollar situation, but now it is up to 57 billion!
Gaining optimal health and optimal finances is the answer. There is no government bailout coming for us. Will you make the choice to do what it takes to be successful?
I am here to provide health coaching to you and those you care about, lets not be a statistic. Instead, lets get America healthy!